Trial By Combat

Guns / Firearms

Non-Sequiturs: 06.12.14

* Opening fire because a fast food place screwed up your burger order would be crazy. If they did it a second time? Well… [Lowering the Bar] * McCutcheon at work in North Carolina. Yay free speech! [Constitutional Accountability Center] * Texas prosecutor compares NAACP member to white supremacist. Because those are totally the same thing. [Houston Chronicle] * In case you’ve ever wondered who’d win a fight between DMX and Justice Frankfurter, here’s your answer. [Slate] * Having more fun with gun nuts. [Lawyers, Guns & Money] * We’ve discussed trial by combat’s past before, but is it still a real thing? Video below, including shout-outs to Professor Adam Winkler. [The Young Turks]